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Corrowong - Wallendibby - Tombong


The Corrowong Wallendibby Landcare Group formed in 1993 and is situated north west of the township of Delegate.  Group members meet regularly to evaluate natural resource management (NRM) issues affecting the long term sustainability of their agricultural enterprises. Members work together to prioritise NRM issues; develop projects; access funding through various state and federal government funding sources; implement on-ground work and; monitor and evaluate success of projects.


The Corrowong/Wallendibby Catchment includes Snodgrass Plain and Kangaroo Ground. This catchment is flanked on its western side by Kosciusko National Park.  During 2007 the neighbouring Tombong Landcare Group merged with the Corrowong/Wallendibby Landcare Group. Tributaries run into the Snowy River and include:


Corrowong Wallendibby Tombong Catchment


  • Rossys Creek

  • Corrowong Creek

  • Sandy Creek

  • Wollondibby Creek

  • Snodgrass Creek

  • Horse Creek

  • Deep Creek

  • Black Flat Creek

  • Minnehan Creek 


Land use in the area is diverse and includes:


  •     Merino sheep

  •     Prime Lambs

  •     Beef Cattle

  •     Cropping – Winter cereals, canloa and fodder

  •     Farm Forestry

  •     Private forestry (hardwood and softwood)

Group History

Gully erosion is a major issue of concern for the Corrowong/ Wallendibby Landcare Group in terms of productivity. The first major project undertaken by the group, titled ‘The Corrowong/Wallendibby Erosion and Sedimentation control project’, was carried out over a period of six years (1995 to 2001). The group was successful in receiving over $250 000 from various Government and agency sources for the implementation of on-ground works. The project was equally matched (in kind) by participating landholders.

27 landholders participated in on ground works, including the establishment of:


  •     240 wire silt traps to trap sediment

  •     45 rock groynes to stabilise gully heads and collect sediment at the base of gullies

  •     15 sediment basins to control water flow and collect sediment, and;

  •     The stabilisation of banks through vegetation, which involved fencing for stock management and the revegetation of severely eroded areas.


A benchmarking report was developed by the group in 2007 forming part of the steps taken by the group to evaluate the success of ‘The Corrowong/Wallendibby Erosion and Sedimentation control project’.

Weed Control has always been a priority for the Corrowong Wallendibby and Tombong Landcare Groups with works carried out to deal with serrated Tussock, African Love Grass and other pasture weeds.   In 2009, the group was part of a regional serrated tussock project that involved mapping and spraying.


Group members have participated in the local, coordinated fox baiting program each year, run through the Local Health and Pest Authority (LHPA) and worked with National Parks to develop a wild dog plan.

Snowy River Interstate Landcare Committee Inc
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