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Little Plains


The Little Plains Landcare Group was formed in 1993 and became incorporated in 1996. The Landcare Group is situated within the Bombala Council area  Its neighbouring Landcare Groups include Delegate River to the south west, Craigie to the South and Mila to the East.  The township of Bombala is situated to the North East.


Tributaries include:


  • Little Plains River

  • Delegate River

  • Wellesley Creek

  • Dougherty Creek

  • Mother Moores Creek

  • Irwins Creek

  • Two Eyed Creek

  • Connaughtmans Creek

  • Brownlies Creek


Land use in the area is diverse and includes:

  • Merino sheep

  • Prime Lambs

  • Beef Cattle

  • State Forests




Over the years, Little Plains Landcare Group focused on willow and broom control with landholders often contributing their own funds to run coordinated programs to deal with these weeds!  Serrated tussock has been an ongoing issue for the group with landholders committing enormous resources to tackling this noxious weed.  In 1998 the group developed its first Weed Management Plan then updating that again in 2009.  Weeds listed as a priority include:


  • Serrated tussock

  • African lovegrass

  • Nodding thistle

  • Broom

  • Blackberries

  • Willows


The Little Plains Landcare Group has undertaken many projects relating to revegetating the landscape to protect existing remnants, to provide shelter to pastures and stock and to create links between areas of bush.

Snowy River Interstate Landcare Committee Inc
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